In Conversation with
“We really should be supporting each other and the people in our lives. The more people that are happy in this world, the better of a place it will become for everyone.” AMARA ctk100 is the London based artist rising from the internet Underground Pop scene challanging the norms of pop music with experimental sound and visuals. With Copypaste, the singer talks about the challanges of being an artist right now, how to deal with toxic people and the importance of supporting each other.
In Conversation with
AMARA ctk100
“We really should be supporting each other and the people in our lives. The more people that are happy in this world, the better of a place it will become for everyone.” AMARA ctk100 is the London based artist rising from the internet Underground Pop scene challanging the norms of pop music with experimental sound and visuals. With Copypaste, the singer talks about the challanges of being an artist right now, how to deal with toxic people and the importance of supporting each other.Photography by Reece Owen(@reece.owen)
Styling: Luca Wowczyna (@lucawowczyna)
Hair: Kiara Scorzelli (@kiarascorzelli)
MUA: Mee Kee (@meekee_s)
Graphic: AMARA (@amara_ctk100)
Nails: Victoria Ho (@vicctoriiia__)
Styling Assistant: (@puer_deorum)
Photography Assistant: Reece Higham
Clothes: @ed_curtis__, @imongrindr
Styling: Luca Wowczyna (@lucawowczyna)
Hair: Kiara Scorzelli (@kiarascorzelli)
MUA: Mee Kee (@meekee_s)
Graphic: AMARA (@amara_ctk100)
Nails: Victoria Ho (@vicctoriiia__)
Styling Assistant: (@puer_deorum)
Photography Assistant: Reece Higham
Clothes: @ed_curtis__, @imongrindr
How would you introduce your music and your artistic identity to someone who never heard your music before?
I don‘t really want to put myself in any box, I have so many different moods that find a way into different songs. But i‘d say it‘s generally bass-heavy, beats oriented music with a pop-topline. :)As a young and upcoming artist, what are the biggest challenges you are facing especially in times of crisis like right now?
I personally find it easier to be more productive when I have a lot going on. The more the better. It makes me feel energised and I’m way more efficient with my time. A lot of my songwriting gets inspired by real life situations and interactions as well. Also a lot of live shows and festivals were cancelled and even though you can do a lot of things online, it‘s just not ever the same.
Your new single “You Don’t Wanna” is about toxic people. What kind of people inspired you to write this song and how do you deal with those toxic people in your life and in the music industry?
"You Don’t Wanna“ is an observation about not playing with toxic people and the (mind) games they play. I guess my way of dealing with people like that, is just not give them any space in my life anymore. Realising that i don‘t owe anyone anything and to accept that I’m just who i am, and this is what i do and can do and that it is, in fact, enough. If there’s someone who doesn’t accept you for who you are, they simply don’t belong in your life and don’t deserve to be in it. If someone tries to put you down or can’t genuinely be happy for you, they probably struggle with themselves and unfortunately don’t realise, that their own insecurities aren’t gonna disappear by putting someone else down. We really should be supporting each other and the people in our lives. The more people that are happy in this world, the better of a place it will become for everyone.What would you consider as your biggest achievement yet as an music artist? What is something you are really proud of?
It took me really long to start releasing my own music, and finally starting to do that and take control of where am I going without holding back and it feels really liberating. I tend to overthink things and then just totally freeze, I‘m glad i finally took that step. I been on the radio in over 20 different countries, playlisted on some of my favourite playlists and invited to play a show with people i used to admire from a distance. So yeah- I think my biggest achievement and (also still daily struggle) is definitely to get out of my own way :)
How important is the visual aspect for you as an artist such as photography, fashion and in general to have a strong visual identity?
It’s just as important as the music. It‘s the packaging - part of the language and communication and will determine how the music is perceived and listened too. I really enjoy that there are different aspects to being an artist and think it‘s fun to translate ideas into different media.
Can you tell us 3 albums you really like and that inspired you to make your own music?
Right- 3 is a hard one - there was so many! And so many different ones.Greatest Hits: My Prerogative by Britney Spears, I remember dancing to this in my room
Avril Lavigne - both Let Go and Under My Skin
Madonna - American Life , my parents had it in the car for years