In Conversation with PRUDENCE
“Going solo was a necessary move, there was a lot I had to express and explore that I couldn’t do in the band, both musically and visually.” The former singer of The Dø launched her solo project “Prudence” that is in her own words “danceable electronic indie pop, poetic and futuristic, driven by a humanoid heroin called Prudence.” With Copypaste, Prudence talks about how it felt creating this solo project, the story telling behind the project that was partly created during a lockdown and being mentioned by Billie Eilish.The new single “Good Friends” is out now. Photography by Julie Trannoy. @soundofprudence Spotify
Previously you were known as part of the duo The Dø.
What made you create your solo project “Prudence” and how does it feel for you to sing and create music alone?
Going solo was a necessary move, there was a lot I had to express and explore that I couldn’t do in the band, both musically and visually. It was challenging at first to write songs alone, as I was so used to writing hand in hand. Finding the right combination of people to work with was tough. I had to trust others with my demos and trust myself with managing the whole process. Through Prudence I learned to know myself and develop my personal work routine, and that makes a better person and artist of me.
How would you describe the sound and the artistic vision of “Prudence” to someone who did not hear your music yet?
Danceable electronic indie pop, poetic and futuristic, driven by a humanoid heroin called Prudence.

Is it difficult for you to work on creative projects in times of crisis like now with lockdowns and restrictions? Does the current crisis affect you mentally as an artist and your creativity?
Prudence was literally born in a post-apocalyptic world, as first single ‘Never With U’ was released when lockdown started in France in March last year. I guess this pandemic gives some weird consistency to the artistic direction of the project. The storytelling around Prudence was partly inspired by dystopian fictions like « A brand New World » by Aldous Huxley or George Orwell’s novels. Most difficult is to remain creative when everything’s paralyzed and seems hopeless. Shutting down the media and listening to Berlioz, Debussy or Arvo Pärt help me cuddle up into my own safe nest. I don’t mind a solitary life but I’ve reached my own limit of lonely. Also working on my next single (to be released in March) and my first album in May keeps me focused, excited and busy.
If you could fill a billboard in the middle of Paris with any message you want, what would you put on the billboard?
Can you tell us one funny, sad or suprising anecdote or story from your life as an artist? (you can tell us anything you want at this point)
A few months ago Billie Eilish mentioned our music (The Dø) in her Apple Music podcast, commenting our track ‘Dust it Off’ among others, and quoting the lyrics, was quite incredible. The kind of intimate connection you can achieve only through music.
Is there anything you want to add?
Thank you for reaching out! Stay strong, there is (always) a light that never goes out.